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Oceans: Intelligence-Gathering in the High Seas

Journal Articles

Robert E. Coyle, Surveillance from the Seas, Military Law Review, vol. 60, p. 75 - 97 (1973)

Oliver J. Lissitzyn, Electronic Reconnaissance from the High Seas and International Law (Naval War College Review, February 1970:26–34), reprinted in Readings in International Law from the Naval War College Review: 1947-1977, 563-571.

Bernard Oxman, The Rule of Law and the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, 7 EJIL (1996) 353-371

Related Articles 

Bernard Oxman, The Territorial Temptation: A Siren Song at Sea, American Journal of International Law, vol. 100, p 830-851 (2006)

Bernard Oxman, International Law and Naval and Air Operations at Sea, International Law Studies 1991: The Law of Naval Operations, 19 - 37.



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The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea: The Risks Outweigh the Benefits (Heritage Foundation, May 2007)

James Goldrick, China's Intelligence Gathering Ships Change the Equation, The Interpreter (published daily by the Lowy Institute), July 31, 2019
S. Hrg. 108-796 -- Military Implications of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, April 8, 2004

Convention on the Law of the Sea (Report, Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, 12/19/2007)

Naval Doctrine Publication 2: Naval Intelligence